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학술대회 Dynamic Software Updates in Cyber-Physical Systems
Cited 12 time in scopus Download 1 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
박미정, 김동관, 김원태, 박승민
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2010, pp.425-426
10MS3900, 고신뢰 자율제어 SW를 위한 CPS(Cyber Physical Systems)핵심기술 개발, 박승민
In Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), computer systems are invisible, but they are embedded in real-world entities, which are monitored and controlled. A key challenge of CPS is to assure high reliability in ascalable and dynamic computing environment in the presence of frequent data propagation among CPS nodes. To effectively manage such data delivery, CPS may need a data-centric middleware, such as the Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification, which makes it easy to deal with complicated data distribution. To support higher reliability, mission-critical CPS applications are often required to provide service even during code modification. Therefore, Dynamic Software Updates (DSU) can be effectively applied for the CPS applications. This paper presents a dynamically updating approach for DDS-centric CPS applications .The proposed approach consists of the following steps: (l) to publish update requests, (2) to subscribe to the interesting update requests, (3) to discover the CPS nodes with the new version of an updated file,and (4) to perform the updates. Our initial results indicate that DSU techniques can be applied to CPS applications, which are required to support high reliability and seamless service. © 2010 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Computer systems, Computing environment, Data distribution service, Data propagation, Data-centric, Dynamic software updates, High Reliability, Mission-critical, Real-world, cyber physical system(CPS), data delivery