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Conference Paper Fast Zero-phase Line Enhancer for Quasi-periodic Signal Processing
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Chanki Park, Seungyoon Nam, John Lorenzo Bautista, Hyunsoon Shin
Issue Date
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing (WHISPERS) 2023, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
We propose a fast zero-phase line enhancer algorithm. As a denoising algorithm, zero-phase line enhancer showed excellent filtering performance for quasi-periodic signals without any additional input sources. Its performance is determined by frequency estimation algorithm, but the computational complexity of the previously used Wigner-Ville distribution was very high. In this study, we added resampling blocks to the zero-phase line enhancer to focus on the fundamental frequency of the quasi-periodic signal. To verify the proposed algorithm, we performed Monte Carlo simulation and compared it with the previous zero-phase line enhancer. As a result, the newly proposed fast zero-phase line enhancer significantly improved not only computational speed but also filtering performance. Because various quasiperiodic signals exist in real world, we expect that the proposed fast zero-phase line enhancer to be widely used for denoising and decomposition of a quasi-periodic signal.
KSP Keywords
Additional input, Computational Speed, Computational complexity, Denoising algorithm, Frequency estimation algorithm, Fundamental Frequency, Monte-Carlo simulation(MCS), Quasi-periodic signal, Real-world, Signal Processing, Wigner-ville distribution