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학술대회 Personalized Recommendation System for the Social Network Services Based on Psychographics
Cited 12 time in scopus Download 2 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
이훈기, 이종훈, 김정태, 백의현
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW) 2010, pp.91-95
10MS3300, 장소/사회적 관계 인지형 Social 미디어 서비스 기술 개발, 백의현
Although various Social Network Services available on the Web, there are additional requirements for sharing systematic knowledge and experiences that are formed in u-Computing environment in relation to the physical location information to support problem solutions more effectively. As the numbers of information available increases, there are more inadequate and junk information which consume efforts and time for information search and sharing. In order to support personalized social network services, there are technical and service oriented requirements for managing and providing accumulative experiences of social users according to their own knowledge and life-style. Such social network services generally implements a recommendation system that provides services based on user history and profiles including statistics information for service customization. Therefore there is probability of producing irrelevant information results because of the fact that the conventional recommendation system does not consider to support a dynamic generation of the context information of users. In order to overcome accuracy problems for the conventional recommendations, the paper proposes a personalized recommendation system using psychographics information, which explains user's lifestyle. © 2010 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Computing environment, Context Information, Information search, Irrelevant information, Location information(GPS), Personalized Recommendation System, Physical location, Service customization, Social Network Service, User History, information available