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학술대회 User-Friendly Home Automation Based on 3D Virtual World
Cited 3 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
한진수, 윤재관, 장종현, 박광로
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2010, pp.1-2
09MC2900, SMMD기반 유비쿼터스홈 미디어 서비스 시스템 개발, 장종현
Home automation is a system to control things around the home such as a door, a light, surveillance systems and consumer electronics. A user can control a variety of home devices with the help of home automation. To provide mobility, a mobile-based home automation has been developed. Remote controlling and monitoring are possible with the mobile phone. As another home automation, an internet-based one has also been proposed and provides friendly graphic user interface. But the home automations mentioned above lack user-friendliness, neither intuitive nor realistic. To improve the user-friendly interface, 3D virtual world is adopted as the control interface for the home automation. With the help of 3D virtual world, a user can monitor the status of home devices and control them intuitively anywhere and anytime through the internet. The proposed home automation system can advance a 3D social network service by linking the virtual world to the real world. ©2010 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
3D virtual world, Control interface, Graphic User Interface, Home Devices, Home automation system, Internet-based, Real-world, Remote controlling, Social Network Service, Surveillance system, User-friendly