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학술대회 An Improved Method of Breast MRI Segmentation with Simplified K-means Clustered Images
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강동훈, Sung Y. Shin, 성창완, Jung Y. Kim, 백정기, 최형도
ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium (RACS) 2011, pp.226-231
11PR4700, 전자파 이용 조기진단 고정밀 MT 시스템 개발, 전순익
The segmentation of breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been a long term challenge due to the fuzzy boundaries among objects, small spots, and irregular object shapes in breast MRI. Even though intensity-based clustering algorithms such as K-means clustering and Fuzzy C-means clustering have been used widely for basic image segmentation, they resulted in complicated patterns for computer aided breast MRI diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a new segmentation algorithm to improve the clustering results from K-means clustering algorithm with breast MRI. The major contribution of the proposed algorithm is that it simplifies breast MRI for the computer aided object analysis without loss of original MRI information. The proposed algorithm follows K-means clustering algorithm and explores neighbors and boundary information to redistribute unexpectedly clustered pixels and merge over-segmented objects from K-means clustering algorithm. We will discuss the results from the proposed algorithm and compare them with the result of K-means clustering algorithm. © 2011 ACM.
KSP 제안 키워드
Fuzzy c-means Clustering, Improved method, K-Means clustering algorithm, MRI Segmentation, Magnetic resonance(MR), Object analysis, Segmented objects, boundary information, breast MRI, computer-aided, image segmentation