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학술대회 DDoS Detection Algorithm Using the Bidirectional Session
Cited 6 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
이희경, 박평구, 유성민, 류재철
Conference on Computer Networks (CN) 2011 (CCIS 160), v.160, pp.191-203
11MI1200, 응용서비스 인식형 네트워크 스위치 플랫폼 기술개발, 홍성백
Due to the proliferation of smartphones and wireless internet, the number of DoS/DDoS attacks has increased significantly, and it creates a lot of network traffic. The DoS/DDoS attacks consume the resources of the service server so that the network and the continuity of service cannot be guaranteed [1,2,3]. Current studies on DoS/DDoS focus on a radical change of total traffic or traffic pattern. Results of these type of studies cannot react to ever changing attack patterns and service types [4,5]. This paper proposes a new algorithm to detect DoS/DDoS attacks based on the session information of the service. In this paper, we propose BSDDA(bidirectional session aware DDoS detection algorithm) that detects DoS/DDoS attacks by analyzing the session information that contains service requests as well as service replies. Since the algorithm consideres session information of service requests and responses, its effectiveness is experimentally shown the algorithm effectively responds to the ever changing attack patterns. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
KSP 제안 키워드
DDoS attacks, DDoS detection algorithm, Network Traffic, Service requests, Traffic pattern, Wireless Internet, attack patterns, new algorithm, total traffic