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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 Design of Novel Distributed Translator for Synchronized Multiple Transmission Networks of ATSC 8-VSB System
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김흥묵, 음호민, 박성익, 서재현, 이수인, 이혁재
International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2011, pp.1-3
10MR2900, 지상파 DTV 전송효율 고도화 기술개발, 김흥묵
This paper proposes a novel digital television translator which can be used for synchronized multiple transmission networks or distributed transmission networks of ATSC system. To be used in a distributed transmission network, translators should synchronize each other in terms of frequency and data. The proposed translator, named as baseband equalization distributed translator (EDTxR), uses only the received signal from the main transmitter for synchronization. EDTxR retrieves frequency and timing information from the received main transmitter signal and use it for frequency synchronization among EDTxRs. Moreover, EDTxR adopts additional frequency synchronization scheme to compensate the frequency offset of reference clock. For data synchronization, EDTxR retrieves the symbol data from the received transmitter signal and re-transmits the same symbol data, which makes all the symbols from all EDTxRs have the same data. To assess the performance of the EDTxR, laboratory test and field test are conducted and the results show EDTxR can be used as a digital television translator with higher spectrum efficiency than legacy translator. © 2011 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Data synchronization, Field Test, Laboratory test, Reference clock, Spectrum efficiency, Synchronization scheme, digital television(DTV), distributed transmission, frequency offset, frequency synchronization, transmission network