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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 Development of the Real-Sense Media Broadcasting Service System based on the SMMD
Cited 9 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
윤재관, 장종현, 문경덕
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2011, pp.435-436
10MC3700, SMMD기반 유비쿼터스홈 미디어 서비스 시스템 개발, 장종현
Recently, as the development of the 3D contents service, production of the real-sense media (ne-media) that user can feel physical effects by the scene of the movie has been increased. This kind of the ne-media uses the SMMD (Single Media Multiple Devices) method to give users enhanced effects with playing multiple devices rather than the SMSD (Single Media Single Device) method. To give this effect to users, from the beginning of making one media, we produced ne-media that consists of multiple subject related audio/videos and the SEM (Sensory Effect Metadata) to evaluate physical device controls. The ne-media is transmitted to the HS (home server) to represent multiple audio/videos in multiple A/V players and multiple devices with synchronized way. In this paper, we explained about basic system concepts, sensory effect metadata, system architecture, and how to represent ne-media in multiple devices. ©2011 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
3D content, Enhanced effects, Home server, Sensory effect, Service System, Single device, System architecture, multiple devices, physical effects