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Conference Paper For Aviation Security Using Surveillance System
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Deok Gyu Lee, Jong Wook Han
Issue Date
FTRA International Workshop on Convergence Security in Pervasive Environments (IWCS) / International Workshop on STAVE / Conference on Secure and Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications (STA) 2011 (CCIS 187), v.187, pp.103-115
Conference Paper
Project Code
10GS1200, 항공선진화사업(비행자료 처리시스템 개발), Han Jong-Wook
As the national airspace system grows increasingly interconnected to partners and customers both within and outside the Rep. of Korea government, the danger of cyber-attacks on the system is increasing. Because of low-cost computer technology and easier access to malware, or malicious software code, it is conceivable for individuals, organized crime groups, terrorists, and nation-states to attack the Rep. of Korea air transportation system infrastructure.[4] An apparatus and a method for processing image information are provided. The apparatus for processing image information includes an image capturing device and an image information server for receiving and storing an image captured by the image capturing device and adds information on the image capturing device and signature information to image data obtained by the image capturing device. Accordingly, the device information and the signature information can be added to the image data obtained by the image capturing device to maintain security of the image data and use the image data as digital proof when a specific event is generated. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
KSP Keywords
Computer Technology, Cyber attacks, Image data, Image information, Low-cost, National Airspace System(NAS), Surveillance system, air transportation, aviation security, malicious software, organized crime