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Conference Paper IEEE 802.15.4a CSS-based Tag Localization system and its Implementation
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Youngwoo Choi, Jooyoung Kim, Seong Yun Cho
Issue Date
International Conference on Advancements in Computing Technology (ICACT) 2011, pp.1-3
Conference Paper
This paper presents a IEEE 802.15.4a CSS-based Tag localization system which is used to identify the relative locations of the tags using CSS (Chirp Spread Spectrum) and its implementation. CSS can make up for the Zigbee’s shortcomings and provide the high accuracy estimation results with low power in the 2.4GHz Bandwidth. The system uses a way to find the relative location of the tags based on the master unlike the conventional localization system which estimates the location of the tags by using the fixed anchor node or localization infrastructure. When this approach is applied, we can estimate the location of the tag in the AP-less environments.
KSP Keywords
Accuracy estimation, High accuracy, IEEE 802.15.4a, Localization systems, Low-Power, Relative Location, Tag localization, anchor nodes, chirp spread spectrum, spread spectrum(SS)