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학술대회 Low-frequency Reinforced Ferroelectric Acoustic Actuators
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김혜진, 양우석, 노광수
International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) / International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials (PFM) 2011, pp.1-4
11MB2100, 스마트and그린 빌딩용 자가충전 지능형 센서노드 플랫폼 핵심기술 개발, 김종대
This paper reports the low-frequency reinforced ferroelectric acoustic actuators with high performances. In order to achieve a higher output sound pressure level and wider frequency response range, we have proposed the novel rubber/resin bi-layer acoustic diaphragm. From the simulated and measured frequency response results, the ferroelectric acoustic actuators with a rubber/resin bi-layer diaphragm have a first resonant frequency of 630 Hz and an average output sound pressure level of 85 dB@10cm. These results indicate that the design optimization of acoustic diaphragms can enhance the sound pressure at a low frequency range. Compared to a commercial piezoelectric ceramic speaker with a resin single layer diaphragm, the acoustic actuators fabricated with a rubber/resin bi-layer diaphragm have at least 10 dB higher sound pressure at a low frequency range of less than 1 kHz. © 2011 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Design and optimization, Frequency response(FreRes), Measured frequency, Resonant frequency(Fr), Single-layer, Sound pressure level, bi-layer, frequency response range, low frequency range, piezoelectric ceramics