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Conference Paper TCP Hybla+: Making TCP More Robust against Packet Loss in Satellite Networks
Cited 6 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Man Kyu Park, Min Su Shin, Deock Gil Oh, Byung Chul Kim, Jae Yong Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) 2011 (LNCS 6785), v.6785, pp.424-435
Conference Paper
Conventional TCP congestion control is based on the fundamental premise that packet loss is an indicator for network congestion only. But actually there are many packet transmission failures in wireless environment because of fading or interference. But this cause of packet loss coming from wireless link has been looked upon as the network congestion. The result of such failure is that TCP will "blindly" halves its sending rate after receiving three duplicated ACKs regardless of the loss occurrence reason. So, TCP will suffer sending rate degradation severely. In this paper, we propose TCP Hybla+ which modifies TCP Hybla to overcome a TCP performance degradation problem by adapting the timestamp option based available bandwidth estimation scheme with one-way TCP data path for asymmetric satellite network. We use the ns-2 network simulator to verify the performance enhancement for the proposed TCP Hybla+. Test results show that the proposed scheme is more suitable TCP than the original TCP Hybla, because the proposed scheme can sustain high sending rate based on the measured available bandwidth for long delay and heavy loss probability environments in satellite networks. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
KSP Keywords
Available bandwidth estimation, Loss probability, Network Congestion, Network simulator(NS), Network simulator-2(NS2), One-Way, Packet Transmission, Satellite network, TCP Congestion Control, TCP performance, data path