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학술대회 Topological Map Building for Mobile Robots based on GIS in Urban Environments
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이유철, 크리스티안, 박승환, 유원필, 김성훈
International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) 2011, pp.790-791
11MC3200, 실외환경에 강인한 도로 기반 저가형 자율주행기술 개발, 유원필
This paper presents an efficient method for building a topological map for robots in urban environments based on a geographic information system (GIS) such as satellite maps. In urban space, mobile robots need a special map, such as a topological map, to generate a path toward their goal. Unlike a car map, a topological map for mobile robot navigation should include semantic data, e.g., the width and type of road. This paper divides the GIS-based topological map building process into two steps. The first step is defining the topological map model to fit the mobile robot navigation in an urban environment. The second step is generating a topological map from existing GIS data to reduce the cost and improve the accuracy in building the map. © 2011 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
GIS data, GIS-based, Geographic Information System, Information systems(IS), Mobile Robot Navigation, Second step, Topological map building, Urban space, building process, semantic data, urban environment