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Journal Article Characterization of Amorphous Multilayered ZnO-SnO2 Heterostructure Thin Films and their Field Effect Electronic Properties
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Su-Jae Lee, Chi-Sun Hwang, Jae-Eun Pi, Jong-Heon Yang, Himchan Oh, Sung Haeng Cho, Kyoung-Ik Cho, Hye Yong Chu
Issue Date
Applied Physics Letters, v.105, no.20, pp.1-4
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Journal Article
Project Code
14MB1400, The core technology development of light and space adaptable energy-saving I/O (Input/Output) platform for future advertising service, Hwang Chi-Sun
Multilayered ZnO-SnO2 heterostructure thin films were produced using pulsed laser ablation of pie-shaped ZnO-SnO2 oxides target, and their structural and field effect electronic transport properties were investigated as a function of the thickness of the ZnO and SnO2 layers. The films have an amorphous multilayered heterostructure composed of the periodic stacking of the ZnO and SnO2 layers. The field effect electronic properties of amorphous multilayered ZnO-SnO2 heterostructure thin film transistors (TFTs) are highly dependent on the thickness of the ZnO and SnO2 layers. The highest electron mobility of 37 cm2/V s, a low subthreshold swing of a 0.19 V/decade, a threshold voltage of 0.13 V, and a high drain current on-to-off ratio of ~1010 obtained for the amorphous multilayered ZnO(1.5 nm)-SnO2(1.5 nm) heterostructure TFTs. These results are presumed to be due to the unique electronic structure of an amorphous multilayered ZnO-SnO2 heterostructure film consisting of ZnO, SnO2, and ZnO-SnO2 interface layers.
KSP Keywords
3 V, 5 nm, Drain current, Electronic properties, Electronic structures, Electronic transport properties, I-V characteristic(Transport property), Thin-Film Transistor(TFT), electron mobility, field effect, pulsed laser ablation(PLA)