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Journal Article 무선 전력 전송을 위한 초음파 트랜스듀서 시스템 개발 Part 1: 송신 소자 개발
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염우섭, 황건, 양우석, 이성규
Issue Date
한국소음진동공학회논문집, v.22, no.9, pp.845-852
Journal Article
Project Code
11SB1400, 고내구성 바이오 compatible 무선충전 슈퍼전지 개발, Lee Sung Q
Recently, wireless power transfer technology is ready to be commercialized in consumer electronics. It draws attention from not only experts but also public because of its convenience and huge market. However, previous technologies such as magnetic resonance and induction coupling have limited applications because of its short transfer distance compared to device size and magnetic intensity limitation on the safety of body exposure. As an alternative, ultrasonic wireless power transfer technology is proposed. The ultrasonic wireless power transfer system is composed of transmitter which converts electrical energy to ultrasonic energy and receiver which converts the ultrasonic energy to the electrical energy again. This paper is focused on the development of high energy conversion efficiency of ultrasonic transmitter. Optimal transfer frequency is calculated based on the acoustic radiation and damping effect. The transmitter is designed through numerical analysis, and is manufactured to match the optimal transfer frequency with the size of 100mm diameter, 12.2mm thickness plate. The energy conversion efficiency of about 13.6% at 2m distance is obtained, experimentally. This result is quite high considered with the device size and the power transfering distance.
KSP Keywords
Acoustic radiation, Conversion efficiency(C.E.), Damping effect, Device size, Induction Coupling, Magnetic Intensity, Magnetic resonance(MR), Numerical Analysis, Transfer frequency, Ultrasonic Transmitter, Ultrasonic energy