Showing 34921-34930 of 40,239.
Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2005 | Hybridization of Oxidized MWNT and Silver Powder in Polyurethane Matrix for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Application Yoon Jin Kim IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.47, no.4, pp.872-879 | 30 | |
2005 | 버스트 부분 재전송 매커니즘을 적용한 OBS 네트워크 성능 분석 엄태원 정보처리학회논문지 C, v.12, no.6, pp.927-932 | ||
2005 | A 1.25Gb/s Digitally-Controlled Dual-Loop Clock and Data Recovery Circuit with an Improved Effective Phase Resolution Chang Kyung Seong International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2005, pp.247-250 | ||
2005 | 침입탐지시스템에서 경보정보에 대한 대응 능력 모델링 및 성능분석 전용희 정보처리학회논문지 C, v.12, no.6, pp.855-864 | ||
2005 | Speeding up Scalar Multiplication in Genus 2 Hyperelliptic Curves with Efficient Endomorphisms Tae Jun Park ETRI Journal, v.27, no.5, pp.617-627 | 3 | 원문 |
2005 | A Survivability Model for Cluster System Khin Mi Mi Aung International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP) 2005 (LNCS 3719), v.3719, pp.73-82 | 4 | |
2005 | Evolution of Structural and Optical Characteristics in InAs Quantum Dots Capped by GaAs Layers Comparable to Dot Height S.J. Lee Journal of Crystal Growth, v.284, no.1-2, pp.39-46 | 5 | |
2005 | Fully Differential 5-GHz LC-Tank VCOs with Improved Phase Noise and Wide Tuning Range Ja Yol Lee ETRI Journal, v.27, no.5, pp.473-483 | 2 | 원문 |
2005 | 분자 전자 메모리 소자 기술 이효영 전자통신동향분석, v.20, no.5, pp.46-55 | 원문 | |
2005 | OFDM에서 채널 응답 길이를 고려한 효율적인 채널추정 방법 전형구 한국통신학회논문지 B : 네트워크 및 융합 서비스, v.30, no.9A, pp.755-761 |