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등록 비접촉 RFID의 하드웨어 모듈

비접촉 RFID의 하드웨어 모듈
이미지 확대
박지만, 전용성, 박영수, 주홍일, 정교일, 전성익
13283515 (2011.10.27)
RE44415 (2013.08.06)
02MK1300, 차세대 IC카드 및 IC카드 리더 기술개발, 정교일
A wireless communication medium includes an antenna, an analog signal processor, a digital signal processor, and a central processing unit & logic module. The antenna transmits and receives a signal to and from an external apparatus. The analog signal processor converts an analog signal to a digital signal, and converts a digital signal to an analog signal. The digital signal processor demodulates the digital signal, detects the start and end of data, and generates a first control signal for determining whether data is transmitted to the external apparatus and a second control signal for perceiving the end of data, blocking the reception of data, modulating data, and determining whether modulated data is transmitted to the external apparatus. The central processing unit & logic module processes data received from and transmitted to the external apparatus. Accordingly, an efficiency of processing a RF signal can be improved.
KSP 제안 키워드
Analog signal, Control Signal, Digital Signal, Digital signal processor(DSP), Logic module, Processing unit, RF signal, Signal processor, central processing unit, wireless communication
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