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Registered Built-in Token in CSMA/CA Hybrid Protocol

내재 토근 CSMA/CA 하이브리드 프로토콜
이미지 확대
Han Tae Man, Jeong You Hyeon, Heesung Chae, Lee Jun-Hwa, Kim Dong Won
Application No.
12577831 (2009.10.13)
Publication No.
20100027558 (2010.02.04)
Registration No.
7974302 (2011.07.05)
Project Code
03MT2700, Development of An IP-based Streaming Network Technology, Jeong You Hyeon
Provided is a distributed and asynchronous implicit token carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol guaranteeing quality of service for both real time and non-real time traffic. The implicit token CSMA/CA protocol allocates a band in an entire bandwidth to voice traffic and allows the remaining bands to be used for data traffic. The implicit token CSMA/CA protocol includes applying a token passing protocol to transmit voice traffic in real time by having a band in an entire bandwidth allocated using a predetermined data frame and applying a CSMA/CA mechanism to transmit data traffic in non-real time by employing remaining bands not allocated to the voice traffic using another predetermined data frame.