Method and apparatus for providing security mechanism guaranteeing transparency at transport layer
- Inventors
Kim Geonwoo, Jong Soo Jang, Kim Ki Hyun, Lim Sun Hee, Kim Jeong Nyeo, Lee Sang Su
- Application No.
11103510 (2005.04.12)
- Publication No.
20060095758 (2006.05.04)
- Registration No.
- 7571309 (2009.08.04)
- Country
- Project Code
04MK1100, The Development of High Performance Network Security System,
Sohn Sung Won
- Abstract
- Provided are a method and apparatus for providing a security mechanism guaranteeing transparency at a transport layer. The method includes: receiving a data packet from an application program, and searching key information corresponding to the data packet in key information database; determining whether to request a key exchange module of an application layer for a new key negotiation according to a result obtained by searching key information; and performing encrypting/decrypting based on key information when the key exchange module stores key negotiation information obtained by the new key negotiation in a kernel. The apparatus encrypts/decrypts the data packet at the transport layer of the kernel, thereby providing the application program with security transparency, effectively controlling and making it easily expansible.
- KSP Keywords
- An Application program, Application program, Data packet, Key exchange, Key information, Security transparency, Transport layer, application layer, key negotiation, security mechanism