- Inventors
Byun Sangjin, Yu Hyun Kyu
- Application No.
11280187 (2005.11.15)
- Publication No.
20060104399 (2006.05.18)
- Registration No.
- 7751521 (2010.07.06)
- Country
- Project Code
04MB3700, Development of 10Gbps Mixed SoC Platform,
Yu Hyun Kyu
- Abstract
- A clock and data recovery apparatus reduces current consumption and enables easy integration. The inventive apparatus includes a first loop including a frequency/phase detection unit, a first charge pump unit, a multiplexing unit, a filtering unit, and a voltage controlled oscillator unit operating at a speed � as fast as that of received data; a second loop having a phase detection unit operating at a speed � as fast as a speed of received data, a second charge pump unit suitable for the phase detection unit, the multiplexing unit, the filtering unit, and the voltage controlled oscillator unit; a frequency lock detection unit for judging whether a frequency of a feedback clock signal falls within a desired frequency range; and a data recovery unit for recovering data from received da
- KSP Keywords
- Charge pump, Clock and Data Recovery, Current consumption, Data recovery, Frequency Range, Frequency lock, Phase Detection, Pump unit, Voltage controlled oscillator(VCO), clock signal, second loop, voltage controlled