multiple mode terminal supporting handoff between herterogeneous networks and handoff method thereof
- Inventors
Kim Jae Pyeong, Sun Ja Kim, Kim Do Hyung
- Application No.
11286984 (2005.11.22)
- Publication No.
20060120329 (2006.06.08)
- Registration No.
- 7596120 (2009.09.29)
- Country
- Project Code
04MB3400, The S/W Platform Development for Mobile Devices supporting Interworking between CDMA and Hpi Network,
Sun Ja Kim
- Abstract
- A multiple mode terminal according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes a mode controller, an application service unit, a common link module, and a plurality of device drivers. The mode controller uses network state monitoring information and controls the handoff between a plurality of networks. The application service unit includes protocols providing appropriate data communication services for the plurality of networks, and a plurality of programs designed to perform data communication services. The common link module performs the handoff between the heterogeneous networks by a handoff request of the mode controller, updates a transmission path of the data packet according to the performed handoff, and supports a data communication service of the application service unit. The plurality of device drivers control the terminal to function for the data service in the plurality of networks.
- KSP Keywords
- Communication services, Data packet, Device driver, Mode controller, Monitoring information, Multiple modes, Network state, Service unit, State monitoring, Transmission path, application services, data communication, data services(DSs), heterogeneous network(HetNet)