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Registered 미세 티형 또는 감마형 게이트 전극을 가지는 전계효과 트랜지스터의 제조방법

미세 티형 또는 감마형 게이트 전극을 가지는 전계효과 트랜지스터의 제조방법
이미지 확대
Hokyun Ahn, Hae Cheon Kim, Mun Jae Kyoung, Woojin Chang, Ji Hong Gu, Jong-Won Lim
Application No.
11454721 (2006.06.16)
Publication No.
20070099368 (2007.05.03)
Registration No.
7387955 (2008.06.17)
Project Code
05MB1400, SoP(System on Package) for 60 GHz Pico cell Communication, Cho Kyoung Ik
A field effect transistor having a T- or Γ-shaped fine gate electrode of which a head portion is wider than a foot portion, and a method for manufacturing the field effect transistor, are provided. A void is formed between the head portion of the gate electrode and a semiconductor substrate using an insulating layer having a multi-layer structure with different etch rates. Since parasitic capacitance between the gate electrode and the semiconductor substrate is reduced by the void, the head portion of the gate electrode can be made large so that gate resistance can be reduced. In addition, since the height of the gate electrode can be adjusted by adjusting the thickness of the insulating layer, device performance as well as process uniformity and repeatability can be improved.
KSP Keywords
Etch rates, Field-effect transistors(FETs), Gate resistance, Layer structure, Parasitic Capacitance, Sampling Time(Ts), device performance, field effect, gate electrode, insulating layer, multi-layer, multilayer structure, semiconductor substrate
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered Manufacturing method of field effcet transistor having fine T or gamma gate UNITED STATES