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Registered Mobile Location Tracking System based on Polygon Area

영역기반 모바일 위치추적 시스템
이미지 확대
Kim Jae Chul, Heo Tae-Wook, Kim Ju Wan, Park Jong-Hyun
Application No.
12090384 (2005.12.26)
Publication No.
20080284588 (2008.11.20)
Registration No.
7932822 (2011.04.26)
Project Code
05MD1800, Development of Core Technology for Open LBS, Park Jong-Hyun
An apparatus for locating a mobile device includes a receiving unit receiving a trigger profile including predetermined zone information and a triggering rule about the generation of an alarm signal at the moment of entering and exiting of the predetermined zone, a location identifying unit locating a present location, a zone in/out detection unit generating the alarm signal according to the triggering rule based on the trigger profile and the present location located by the location identifying unit when entering the predetermined zone or exiting the predetermined zone, and a transmission unit transmitting the present location information identified by the location identifying unit when the alarm signal is generated.
KSP Keywords
Location information(GPS), Location tracking system, Mobile devices, Mobile location, Rule-based, Tracking System, location tracking