Apparatus and Method for Encoding and Decoding Moving Picture using Adaptive Scanning
- Inventors
Kim Wook Joong, Jeongil Seo, 이영렬, Hong Jin Woo, Kim Kyu Heon, Kang Kyeongok, 심동규, Sung-Chang Lim, Kim Hui Yong, 오승준, Jinho Lee, Choi Jin Soo, 허재호, 한기훈
- Application No.
12090699 (2006.10.19)
- Publication No.
20080285644 (2008.11.20)
- Registration No.
- 8199819 (2012.06.12)
- Country
- Project Code
05MR1100, Development of Super-intelligent Multimedia Anytime-anywhere Realistic TV(Smar TV) Technolory,
Chieteuk Ahn
- Abstract
- Provided is an apparatus and method for encoding/decoding moving pictures based on adaptive scanning. The moving picture apparatus and method can increase a compression rate based on adaptive scanning by performing intra prediction onto blocks of a predetermined size, and scanning coefficients acquired from Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of a residue signal and quantization differently according to the intra prediction mode. The moving picture encoding apparatus includes: a mode selector for selecting and outputting a prediction mode; a predictor for predicting pixel values of pixels to be encoded of an input video based on the prediction mode to thereby output a residue signal block; a transform/quantization unit for performing DCT onto the residue signal block and quantizing the transformed residue signal block; and an encoder for adaptively scanning and encoding the quantized residue signal block based on the prediction mode.
- KSP Keywords
- Compression rate, Discrete cosine, Discrete cosine Transform, Encoding and decoding, Intra prediction, Mode Selector, Moving picture, Pixel Value, Prediction mode, adaptive scanning, cosine transform, intra prediction mode, video based
- Family