ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform

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Registered Users and/or Devices based Domain, and its equipment

사용자 및 디바이스 기반의 도메인 관리 방법 및 그 장치
이미지 확대
Youngbae Byun, Choi Bum Suk, Choo Hyon-Gon, Joo Sanghyun, Hong Jin Woo, Nam Jeho
Application No.
11909105 (2006.04.07)
Publication No.
20090235330 (2009.09.17)
Registration No.
8533858 (2013.09.10)
Project Code
05MR1100, Development of Super-intelligent Multimedia Anytime-anywhere Realistic TV(Smar TV) Technolory, Chieteuk Ahn
Provided are domain contexts indicating user and device based domain systems for being applied to a new digital content protection/management system, and management methods thereof. A concept of “domain” is introduced in the present invention so that various business models can be obtained in accordance with content use of one home or small-sized group. The domain refers to as a group of user and device SAV and PAV indicating a context for being applied to the domain system includes: a domain identifier for specifying a domain as a region containing at least one content execution device and at least one content user; domain authentication information for guaranteeing authenticity of the domain; a user list containing information of users belonging to the domain; and a device list containing devices belonging to the doma
KSP Keywords
Business Model, Content protection, Digital content, Management methods, Management system, Small-sized