System and method for transmitting/receiving three dimensional video based on digital broadcasting
- Inventors
Lee Jae-Young, Seung Won Kim, Sung-Hoon Kim, Yun Kug Jin, Byungjun Bae, Namho Hur, Chieteuk Ahn, Lee Soo In, Ahn Chung Hyun
- Application No.
13913811 (2013.06.10)
- Publication No.
20130300825 (2013.11.14)
- Registration No.
- 9380288 (2016.06.28)
- Country
- Project Code
05MR1100, Development of Super-intelligent Multimedia Anytime-anywhere Realistic TV(Smar TV) Technolory,
Chieteuk Ahn
- Abstract
- Provided is a system and method for transmitting and receiving 3D video based on digital broadcasting. The system includes: an encoder for generating 2D ES and 3D supplementary ES by encoding 2D video and 3D supplementary data; a packetizer for generating 2D video PES and 3D supplementary PES by packetizing the 2D video ES and the 3D supplementary ES; a PSI generator for generating a PSI; a TS generator for generating 2D video TS and 3D supplementary TS for the 2D video PES and the 3D supplementary PES; a multiplexer for multiplexing the transport streams to transmit the 2D video TS as a normal stream and transmit the 3D supplementary TS, the PSI TS and 3D video synch data TS as robust stream; and a modulator for modulating the multiplexed TS according to a DTV specification and transmitting the modulated TS.
- KSP Keywords
- 3D Video, Digital Broadcasting, Supplementary data, Three dimensional(3D), Three-dimensional video, video based
- Family