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Registered Mode Transition Between a Planar Line and a Waveguide with a Low Loss RF Substrate and a Hig

고주파 신호를 전달하기 위한 변환 회로 및 이를 구비한 송수신 모듈
이미지 확대
Byun Woo Jin, Eun Ki Chan, Kim Bong-Su, Kim Kwang Seon, Song Myung Sun
Application No.
12096784 (2006.11.24)
Publication No.
20080297283 (2008.12.04)
Registration No.
7911292 (2011.03.22)
Project Code
05MR1500, Development of the basic spectrum resource utilizing technologies, Kim Chang-Joo
Provided is a mode transition circuit for transferring a RF signal and a transceiver module having the same. The mode transition circuit includes: a planar transmission line mounted at a RF substrate for receiving a RF signal from a RF signal generating unit; a via formed inside the RF substrate and connected to one side of the planar transmission line for receiving the RF signal from the planar transmission line; at least one of metal patches formed inside the RF substrate and connected to the one side of the via for receiving the RF signal from the via; and a hole formed inside a low frequency substrate and connected to one side of the metal patch for receiving the RF signal from the metal patch.
KSP Keywords
RF signal, Transmission line, generating unit, low loss, low-frequency, mode transition, planar transmission line, signal generating