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Registered Design and Operation of Face Mounted Display for Presenting Stereo Image at Mixed-Reality System

혼합현실 시스템을 위한 입체 영상 제시용 FMD의 설계 및 운용 방법
이미지 확대
Yang Ung-Yeon, Hwang Sun Yu, Gun A. Lee, Son Wookho
Application No.
11638438 (2006.12.14)
Publication No.
20080024597 (2008.01.31)
Registration No.
7804507 (2010.09.28)
Project Code
05MC2200, 실감형 Virtual Engineering 기술 개발, Son Wookho
A display apparatus for a mixed reality environment includes an image processor for mixing an actual image of an object around a user and a artificial stereo images to produce multiple external image signals, a user information extractor for extracting the user's sight line information including the user's position his/her eye position, direction of a sight line and focal distance; an image creator for creating a stereo image signal based on the extracted user's sight line information; an image mixer for synchronously mixing the multiple external image signals and the stereo image signal; and an image output unit for outputting the mixed image signal to the user.
KSP Keywords
AND operation, Design and operation, Information Extractor, Mixed reality, eye position, focal distance, image processor, image signal, signal based, stereo images, user information
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 혼합 현실 환경을 위한 얼굴 착용형 디스플레이 장치 KOREA KIPRIS