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Registered Iris recognition method and apparatus thereof

홍채 검출 방법 및 이를 위한 장치
이미지 확대
Ko Jong-Gook, Yoo Jang-Hee, Gil Youn-Hee, Chung Kyo Il
Application No.
11702863 (2007.02.06)
Publication No.
20080069410 (2008.03.20)
Registration No.
7869626 (2011.01.11)
Project Code
06MK1500, Development of High-Performance Chipset Technology for Multimodal Biometrics, Chung Kyo Il
An iris recognition method is provided. In the iris recognition method, binary image data is obtained by receiving eye image data and filtering the received eye image data using a predetermined threshold value. Then, candidate center search regions are searched for finding a pupil center using profile information of rows and columns of the binarized image. a pupil boundary and a center point are detected by performing a mask operation using 8 pupil boundary mask templates for each of concentric circles formed of pointes in the searched candidate center search regions as candidate pupil centers and different radiuses. An iris boundary region is detected by performing a masking operation using 6 iris boundary mask templates corresponding to 6 locations for concentric circles formed of the pupil center as an origin and different radiuses.
KSP Keywords
Boundary region, Center point, Concentric circle, Eye image, Image data, Iris recognition, Profile information, Pupil center, Recognition method, Threshold Value, binary image
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 홍채 검출 방법 및 이를 위한 장치 KOREA KIPRIS