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Registered Resource allocation method in a PCA period of MBOA MAC

MBOA MAC의 PCA 구간에서 자원 분배 방법
이미지 확대
Lee Seong-Hee, Jang Il-Soon, Park Seong Hee, Sangsung Choi
Application No.
11861640 (2007.09.26)
Publication No.
20080082709 (2008.04.03)
Registration No.
7624214 (2009.11.24)
Project Code
06MH2600, Development of UWB Solution for High Speed Multimedia Transmission, Sangsung Choi
A resource allocation method for performing resource competition between protocols based on a protocol in a home network environment using multiple protocols is provided. In the resource allocation method, a request of using a resource is received from an external device. An AIFS value is allocated according to a data type of the resource requested from the device. Then, the resource is not provided to the device for an AIFS period. After passing the period of the AIFS value, a back-off timer period is entered. In the back-off timer period, an application protocol of the external device requesting the resource is identified, and an idle time value is allocated according to a type of the identified protocol. Then, a corresponding resource is provided to the first device coming out of the allocated idle time.
KSP Keywords
Allocation method, Application protocol, Back-off, Data type, Home Network, Idle Time, Resource allocation method, Time value, network environment, resource allocation(RA), resource competition
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered MBOA MAC의 PCA 구간에서 자원 분배 방법 KOREA