ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform



특허 검색
구분 출원국
출원년도 ~ 키워드


등록 패킷 수신 방법 및 패킷 전송 방법

패킷 수신 방법 및 패킷 전송 방법
이미지 확대
임광재, 윤철식
12307731 (2007.07.06)
20090252089 (2009.10.08)
8891377 (2014.11.18)
An embodiment of the invention provides a method of receiving packets from a transmitting station at a receiving station in a mobile communication system. The packet receiving method includes receiving a radio resource including a data packet and a packet indicator related to the data packet, identifying the packet indicator, and processing the data packet according to the content of the packet indicator. Another embodiment of the invention provides a method of transmitting packets from a transmitting station to a receiving station in a mobile communication system. The packet transmitting method includes receiving a response signal of a first data packet from the receiving station, allocating a second data packet to a radio resource according to the response signal, allocating a packet indicator related to the second data packet to the radio resource, and transmitting the second data packet and the packet indicator to the receiving station.
KSP 제안 키워드
Communication system, Data packet, Response signal, mobile communication, mobile communication system, radio resource
패밀리 특허 목록
구분 특허 출원국 KIPRIS
등록 패킷 수신 방법 및 패킷 전송 방법 대한민국 KIPRIS