Sensor node of wireless sensor network and operating method thereof
- Inventors
Doh Yoonmee, Yao Zhiying, Noseong Park, Cheol Sig Pyo, Kim Sun-Joong
- Application No.
12516710 (2007.12.05)
- Publication No.
20100074157 (2010.03.25)
- Registration No.
- 8089910 (2012.01.03)
- Country
- Project Code
06MD2300, Development of Distributed Sensor Network System,
Cheol Sig Pyo
- Abstract
- A sensor node of a wireless sensor network includes a first sensor node module for generating and processing, when it is activated, a first sensing signal to detect occurrence of an event based on the first sensing signal; and a second sensor node module for generating and processing a second sensing signal, when it is activated, to monitor state transition of the event based on the second sensing signal. Further, when the occurrence of the event is detected, the first sensor node module is inactivated and the second sensor node module is activated.
- KSP Keywords
- Event-Based, Sensing signal, Sensor networks, Sensor node, State Transition, Wireless sensor networks(WSNs), wireless sensor
- Family