Method for encoding and decoding of object-based multichannel audio with variable object layout
- Inventors
Beack Seung Kwon, Lee Tae Jin, Jeongil Seo, Jang Inseon, Jae-Hyoun Yoo, Hong Jin Woo, Jin Woong Kim, Jang Dae Young, Lee Yong Ju
- Application No.
- 2012-278575 (2012.12.20)
- Registration No.
- 5453515 (2014.01.10)
- Country
- Project Code
06MR1100, Development of Super-intelligent Multimedia Anytime-anywhere Realistic TV(SmarTV) Technology,
Chieteuk Ahn
- KSP Keywords
- Encoding and decoding, Multichannel audio, Object-based
- Family