Method and Apparatus for Memory Remapping in Multiple Processors
- Inventors
Kwon Young-Su, Youngseok Baek, Sukho Lee, Koo Bon Tae, Nak Woong Eum, Kim Hyuk
- Application No.
12027364 (2008.02.07)
- Publication No.
20080270711 (2008.10.30)
- Registration No.
- 8464006 (2013.06.11)
- Country
- Project Code
06MB3400, Embeded DSP Platform for Audio/Video Signal Processing,
Nak Woong Eum
- Abstract
- Provided are a method and apparatus for efficiently transferring a massive amount of multimedia data between two processors. The apparatus includes a first local switch, which connects a virtual page of a first processor element to a shared memory page, a second local switch, which connects a virtual page of a second processor element to the shared memory page, a shared page switch, which connects a predetermined shared memory page of a shared physical memory to the first or second local switch, and a switch manager, which remaps a certain shared memory page of the shared physical memory that stores data of a task performed by the first processor element to the virtual page of the second processor element. Accordingly, since memory remapping is used, the massive amount of multimedia data can be transmitted by changing a method of mapping a memory, unlike a case when multimedia data is transmitted by using a memory bus.
- KSP Keywords
- Multimedia data, Physical Memory, Shared Memory, Shared physical memory, memory page, virtual page