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Registered Fast Path Planning Method Using Reduced Search Space

탐색영역 축소를 이용한 고속 경로계획 방법
이미지 확대
Lee Jae-Yeong, Wonpil Yu
Application No.
12667407 (2007.12.17)
Publication No.
20110010083 (2011.01.13)
Registration No.
8296064 (2012.10.23)
Project Code
07MI1100, Embedded Component Technology and Standardization for URC, Hwang Dae Hwan
A path search method of a mobile object in a grid map having a plurality of cells, each having an identical size, is provided. The path search method includes: generating a block map having a plurality of blocks by merging a specific number of cells in the grid map; obtaining a block path by finding a path from a starting position to a destination position in the block map; and obtaining a final path of the mobile object by performing a cell-based path search on cells in the blocks on the block path.
KSP Keywords
Fast Path, Grid Map, Path search, Planning method, Reduced search, Search Space, cell-based, mobile object, number of cells, path planning, search method
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 경로 탐색 방법 KOREA