Method and Apparatus for Stereo Vision Processing and Power Management of Mobile Devices including Image Compression Encoder and Stereo Matching module
- Inventors
Choi Seung Min, Lim Eul Gyoon, Hwang Dae Hwan, Jae Il Cho
- Application No.
12203583 (2008.09.03)
- Publication No.
20090060280 (2009.03.05)
- Registration No.
- 8208716 (2012.06.26)
- Country
- Project Code
07MI1100, Embedded Component Technology and Standardization for URC,
Hwang Dae Hwan
- Abstract
- A stereo vision system includes an image pre-processing unit for pre-processing the right and left images, and a stereo matching unit for carrying out stereo matching of the right and left images to acquire low-resolution distance information of the right and left images and high-resolution distance information of the right and left images upon detection of an object within a distance range through the low-resolution distance information.
- KSP Keywords
- High-resolution, Image Compression, Mobile devices, Pre-processing, Processing unit, Stereo Vision System, Vision Processing, Vision system, distance information, image preprocessing, low resolution, power management, stereo matching, stereo vision