ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform



특허 검색
구분 출원국
출원년도 ~ 키워드


등록 이미지 필터를 이용한 포렌식 증거 분석 시스템 및 방법

이미지 필터를 이용한 포렌식 증거 분석 시스템 및 방법
이미지 확대
김영수, 홍도원
12201168 (2008.08.29)
20090136140 (2009.05.28)
8422730 (2013.04.16)
07MK2100, 정보투명성 보장형 디지털 포렌식 시스템 개발, 홍도원
The present invention provides a system for analyzing forensic digital evidence using an image filter and a method thereof. The system for analyzing forensic evidence using an image filter includes: a duplicator that creates a copy of digital evidence; a verifying unit that discriminates whether a copy and the original of the digital evidence are the same; an original storage that stores the original of the digital evidence; an evidence analyzer that classifies image files for the copy of the digital evidence stored in the original storage, on the basis of an image filtering model created by a learning model in accordance with predetermined categories, and then analyzes the evidence; and a reporting unit that creates a report about the result of evidence analysis. The image evidence analyzer includes an image file extractor, an image filtering model learning unit, an image filter, and a plurality of analyzers.
KSP 제안 키워드
Filtering model, Forensic Evidence, Image Filter, Image files, Image filtering, Learning model, Model learning, digital evidence, learning unit
패밀리 특허 목록
구분 특허 출원국 KIPRIS
등록 이미지 필터를 이용한 포렌식 증거 분석 시스템 및 방법 대한민국 KIPRIS