Human body communication system and communication method thereof
- Inventors
Park Ki Hyuk, Lim In Gi, Kang Sung Weon, Kang Tae Wook, Hwang Jung Hwan, Hyoung Chang Hee, Park Duck Gun, Park Hyung-Il, Kim Jin Kyung, Kim Kyung Soo, Kim Jung Bum, Kim Sung Eun
- Application No.
12747051 (2008.05.09)
- Publication No.
20100272156 (2010.10.28)
- Registration No.
- 8467431 (2013.06.18)
- Country
- Project Code
07MB2200, Controller SoC for Human Body Communications,
Kang Sung Weon
- Abstract
- A human body communication system is provided. The human body communication system includes a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter transmits a frame including a preamble, which is a Manchester-encoded pseudo noise (PN) code, to the human body. The receiver receives the frame from the human body, performs Manchester-decoding on the frame, performs cross-correlation on the decoding result and the PN code, and performs frame synchronization using the cross-correlation result. Accordingly, clock and data recovery performance is improved. Efficient frame synchronization with reduced computation amount can be provided.
- KSP Keywords
- Clock and Data Recovery, Communication system, Cross-Correlation, Data recovery, Frame synchronization, Human Body Communication(HBC), Human body, PN code, Pseudo Noise, Pseudo noise (PN) code, Recovery performance
- Family