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Registered Human body communication system and communication method thereof

인체 통신 장치 시스템 및 그것의 통신방법
이미지 확대
Park Ki Hyuk, Lim In Gi, Kang Sung Weon, Kang Tae Wook, Hwang Jung Hwan, Hyoung Chang Hee, Park Duck Gun, Park Hyung-Il, Kim Jin Kyung, Kim Kyung Soo, Kim Jung Bum, Kim Sung Eun
Application No.
12747051 (2008.05.09)
Publication No.
20100272156 (2010.10.28)
Registration No.
8467431 (2013.06.18)
Project Code
07MB2200, Controller SoC for Human Body Communications, Kang Sung Weon
A human body communication system is provided. The human body communication system includes a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter transmits a frame including a preamble, which is a Manchester-encoded pseudo noise (PN) code, to the human body. The receiver receives the frame from the human body, performs Manchester-decoding on the frame, performs cross-correlation on the decoding result and the PN code, and performs frame synchronization using the cross-correlation result. Accordingly, clock and data recovery performance is improved. Efficient frame synchronization with reduced computation amount can be provided.
KSP Keywords
Clock and Data Recovery, Communication system, Cross-Correlation, Data recovery, Frame synchronization, Human Body Communication(HBC), Human body, PN code, Pseudo Noise, Pseudo noise (PN) code, Recovery performance
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 인체 통신 시스템 및 그것의 통신 방법 KOREA KIPRIS