Method of web service and its apparatus
- Inventors
Lee Jae Seung, Chung Kyo Il
- Application No.
12808456 (2008.12.05)
- Publication No.
20100269149 (2010.10.21)
- Registration No.
- 8683607 (2014.03.25)
- Country
- Project Code
07MV1700, Development of Ubiquitous Web Services Standards,
Lee Seung Yun
- Abstract
- The present invention relates to a web service method and an apparatus therefor. A service apparatus in accordance with the present invention includes a message security gateway for security, an authentication server, an authorization server, a security policy server, a harmful site database, and an application server. User authentication employs SAML assertion of an SAML authority server. A service method in accordance with the present invention analyzes a message format and can employ security technologies although they have different message formats.
- KSP Keywords
- Application server, Authentication Server, Message format, Message security, Security Policy, User Authentication, Web service(WS), security technology