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Registered Method of web service and its apparatus

웹 서비스 방법 및 그 장치
이미지 확대
Lee Jae Seung, Chung Kyo Il
Application No.
12808456 (2008.12.05)
Publication No.
20100269149 (2010.10.21)
Registration No.
8683607 (2014.03.25)
Project Code
07MV1700, Development of Ubiquitous Web Services Standards, Lee Seung Yun
The present invention relates to a web service method and an apparatus therefor. A service apparatus in accordance with the present invention includes a message security gateway for security, an authentication server, an authorization server, a security policy server, a harmful site database, and an application server. User authentication employs SAML assertion of an SAML authority server. A service method in accordance with the present invention analyzes a message format and can employ security technologies although they have different message formats.
KSP Keywords
Application server, Authentication Server, Message format, Message security, Security Policy, User Authentication, Web service(WS), security technology