- Inventors
Chun-Gi Lyuh, Suk Jung Hee, Chun Ik Jae, Sewan Heo, Kim Jongdae, Roh Tae Moon
- Application No.
12204857 (2008.09.05)
- Publication No.
20090282223 (2009.11.12)
- Registration No.
- 7814296 (2010.10.12)
- Country
- Project Code
08MB1800, Components/Module technology for Ubiquitous Terminals,
Kim Jongdae
- Abstract
- Provided is a data processing circuit. A control unit outputs an operation control signal and a memory control signal. A plurality of program memories each outputs a command in response to the memory control signal. A plurality of arithmetic sections each selectively performs any one of the commands from the plurality of program memories in response to the operation control signal. Operation modes of the data processing circuit can be flexibly changed according to operation environments.
- KSP Keywords
- Control Signal, Control Unit, Data processing, Memory control, Operation Control, operation mode, processing circuit