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특허 검색
구분 출원국
출원년도 ~ 키워드


등록 생분자 검출 장치 및 검출 방법

생분자 검출 장치 및 검출 방법
이미지 확대
아칠성, 김안순, 박찬우, 박선희, 성건용, 양종헌, 백인복, 안창근, 김태엽, 장문규, 유한영, 양혜경
13062146 (2008.11.20)
20110165557 (2011.07.07)
8529750 (2013.09.10)
08MC2500, 유비쿼터스 건강관리용 모듈 시스템, 박선희
Provided are an apparatus and method for detecting biomolecules. The apparatus includes a FET having a substrate, a source electrode, a drain electrode, a channel region between the source and drain electrodes, and probe molecules fixed to the channel region, wherein the source and drain electrodes are separated on the substrate, a microfluid supplier selectively supplying one of a reference buffer solution of low ionic concentration and a reaction solution of high ionic concentration containing target molecules, to the channel region of the FET to which the probe molecules are fixed, and a biomolecule detector detecting the target molecules by measuring a first current value of the channel region of the FET, and a second current value of the channel region of the FET to which the target molecules and the probe molecules that bind to each other in the reaction solution of high ionic concentration are fixed.
KSP 제안 키워드
Buffer solution, Drain electrode, Source and drain, ionic concentration, probe molecules, reference buffer