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Registered Method of Transmission of Large Data Amounts in Snesor Network Based on MAC

센서 네트워크에서의 대용량 데이터 전송을 위한 매체 접근 제어 방법
이미지 확대
Lee Kyeseon, Nae-Soo Kim, Chae Jong- Suk, Cheol Sig Pyo
Application No.
12611532 (2009.11.03)
Publication No.
20100153808 (2010.06.17)
Registration No.
8332707 (2012.12.11)
Project Code
08MC3300, Development of Sensor Tag and Sensor Node Technologies for RFID/USN, Cheol Sig Pyo
A large data transmission method in a sensor network based on a media access control (MAC) is provided. The method includes dividing data to be transferred into a plurality of data segments; generating a plurality of media access control (MAC) segmented data frames by including in each data segment an indication that the data is generated by segmentation and assigning a sequence number to the data segment; transmitting the generated MAC segmented data frames sequentially; receiving a MAC reception failure frame indicating reception failure for a predetermined period of time from a receiving sensor node after completing the transmitting of all the MAC segmented data frames; and retransmitting the MAC segmented data frames which correspond to at least one sequence number included in the received MAC reception failure frame. Accordingly, large data transmission times can be reduced in a MAC for a sensor network.
KSP Keywords
Data transmission, Media access, Receiving sensor, Sensor networks, Sensor node, Sequence number, access control, large data, media access control(MAC), transmission method