- Inventors
Park Kyung Hyun, Jaeheon Shin, Baek Yongsoon, Sim Eundeok, Namje Kim, Chul-Wook Lee, Han Sang-Pil
- Application No.
12506073 (2009.07.20)
- Publication No.
20100142571 (2010.06.10)
- Registration No.
- 7864824 (2011.01.04)
- Country
- Abstract
- Provided is a multiple distributed feedback laser device. The laser device includes an active layer, a first diffraction grating, and a second diffraction grating. The substrate includes a first distributed feedback region, a modulation region, and a second distributed feedback region. The first diffraction grating is coupled to the active layer in the first distributed feedback region. The second diffraction grating is coupled to the active layer in the second distributed feedback region. In addition, the laser device includes a first micro heater and a second micro heater. The first micro heater supplies heat to the first diffraction grating. The second micro heater supplies heat to the second diffraction grating. The first micro heater and the second micro heater are controlled independently from each other.
- KSP Keywords
- Active Layer, Diffraction grating, Distributed feedback, Distributed feedback lasers(DFBs), Laser device, Micro-heater
- Family