A Voltage Controlled Oscillator with a stabilized oscillation frequency for the conducted EMI noises on supply voltage
- Inventors
Young Ho Kim, Yun Je Hoon
- Application No.
12779145 (2010.05.13)
- Publication No.
20100295626 (2010.11.25)
- Registration No.
- 8228132 (2012.07.24)
- Country
- Project Code
08MR4300, Study on Electromagnetic Compatibility for Protecting Electromagnetic Environment in Ubiquitous Society,
Yun Je Hoon
- Abstract
- A voltage-controlled oscillator robust against power supply includes: a regulating unit configured to maintain a virtual power supply of a VCO core circuit in a stable condition with regard to a reference voltage; and a power supply removal unit including second transistors configured to correspond to respective first transistors of the regulating unit, the power supply removal unit being configured to remove power noise of the virtual power supply by using negative feedback through a closed-circuit loop formed by each of the first and second transistors.
- KSP Keywords
- Closed circuit, Core circuit, Negative feedback, Oscillation Frequency, Power noise, Supply voltage, Virtual power, Voltage controlled oscillator(VCO), conducted EMI, power supply, reference voltage, stable condition, voltage controlled