system and method for automatic vehicle induction using IT infrastructure
- Inventors
Jaejun Yoo, Jang Byungtae, Jeong Dan Choi, Lim Jae Han, Sung Kyung Bok, Kim Kyeong Tae, Jang Jeongah, Park Jong-Hyun, Kim Do Hyun, Jungsook Kim
- Application No.
12637334 (2009.12.14)
- Publication No.
20100274429 (2010.10.28)
- Registration No.
- 8437947 (2013.05.07)
- Country
- Project Code
09ZC1300, IT 융합기반 차량 자동 유도기술 개발,
Park Jong-Hyun
- Abstract
- An apparatus is for guiding a vehicle traveling of a vehicle by using information technology infrastructures. The apparatus includes: a control terminal for controlling the vehicle traveling; sensing devices that collect circumstance information of guidance areas desirous of guiding the vehicle by using the information technology infrastructures provided on the guidance areas; and a server device that recognizes a circumstance of the guidance areas to create a guidance route based on the collected circumstance information by the sensing device so that the control terminal controls the vehicle to travel along the guidance route.
- KSP Keywords
- IT infrastructure, Information Technology, Sensing device, Using information, automatic vehicle