Active alignment method for multi-channel optical transmitter and receiver, which has an opt
- Inventors
Kang Sae-Kyoung, Lee Jun Ki, Kim Kwangjoon, Lee Jyung Chan
- Application No.
12543852 (2009.08.19)
- Publication No.
20100290739 (2010.11.18)
- Registration No.
- 8355612 (2013.01.15)
- Country
- Project Code
09MH1200, 100Gbps Ethernet and optical transmission technology development,
Kim Kwangjoon
- Abstract
- An active alignment method for a multi-channel optical transmitter and receiver is disclosed. The active alignment method for a multi-channel optical transmitter includes actively aligning an optical signal generator with an optical multiplexer based on optical outputs of a plurality of wavelengths from the optical signal generator and an optical output of the optical multiplexer, and actively aligning the optical multiplexer with a fiber optic coupler based on an optical output of the optical multiplexer and an optical output of the fiber optic coupler.
- KSP Keywords
- Active Alignment, Alignment method, Fiber optic, Optical Multiplexer, Optical signal, Optical transmitters, Signal Generator, Transmitter and receiver, multi-channel
- Family