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Registered Color Conversion System for Images Cinematographed with Color Reference Panel and Control Method Thereof

컬러 기준판과 함께 촬영된 영상의 색변환 시스템 및 그 제어 방법
이미지 확대
Cho Maeng Sub, Kim Jin Seo, Koo Bonki, Kwon Soon Young, Ki-Hong Kim, You Juyeon
Application No.
12836043 (2010.07.14)
Publication No.
20110052055 (2011.03.03)
Registration No.
8411946 (2013.04.02)
Provided is a color conversion system and method. The color conversion system which converts the color of a filmed image includes: an image separation unit configured to receive a reference image including a color reference table and an action image, and separate the reference and action images from each other; a color data extraction unit configured to output color values of the color reference table included in the reference image; a control unit configured to detect change values obtained by comparing color values included in the reference image with those included in the color reference table, and generate a look-up table for converting the colors of the color reference table included in the reference image into desired colors; and an image conversion unit configured to perform color correction by converting the color values of the action image into coordinates in pixels, using the look-up table outputted from the control unit.
KSP Keywords
Color Data, Color correction, Color values, Control Unit, Data Extraction, Extraction unit, Image Conversion, Reference Image, color conversion, control method, image separation, look-up table, reference table