Mobile multicast system for supporting network-based mobility and method thereof
- Inventors
Um Tai Won, Nam Jongwook, Hyun-Woo Lee, Cho Kyeong Seob, Won Ryu, Lee Kyounghee
- Application No.
13518180 (2010.10.22)
- Publication No.
20120269111 (2012.10.25)
- Registration No.
- 8842685 (2014.09.23)
- Country
- Project Code
09MR3700, Development of Open-IPTV (IPTV2.0) Technologies for Wired and Wireless Networks,
Hwang Seung Ku
- Abstract
- A method includes transferring a general query message to managers of a mobility control server in response to receiving, from a router, the general query message for detecting a mobile node that requested to receive multicast data; storing, in a multicast mapping table, an address of the mobile node that requested to receive the multicast data when a membership report message of the mobile node is received from at least one of the managers and transferring the membership report message to the router; and forming a tunnel between the router and a manager that transfers the membership report message.
- KSP Keywords
- Mapping table, Mobile multicast, Mobile node(MN), Mobility control, Multicast system, Network-based mobility, network-based