Data transmission and reception using carrier frequency offset correction and prediction method for wireless communication systems
- Inventors
Lee Il Gu, Sok-Kyu Lee
- Application No.
12969357 (2010.12.15)
- Publication No.
20110149724 (2011.06.23)
- Registration No.
- 8599817 (2013.12.03)
- Country
- Project Code
09MR7300, Research on Radio Transmission Technology for IEEE 802.11 VHT WLAN,
Sok-Kyu Lee
- Abstract
- Provided is an apparatus and method for transmitting and receiving data. The method includes respectively estimating a carrier frequency offset (CFO) of data packets transmitted during a transmit opportunity (TXOP) period by a unit of a packet; calculating an average CFO of the estimated CFOs estimated during a window period for the data packets; and compensating an estimated CFO of a predetermined data packet to one of the estimated CFO of the predetermined data packet and the average CFO, and restoring the predetermined data packet.
- KSP Keywords
- Carrier Frequency Offset, Carrier frequency, Communication system, Data packet, Data transmission, Offset correction, Wireless communication system, frequency offset, prediction method, wireless communication
- Family