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Registered Method and apparatus for managing ghost registrants

등록자 고스트 처리 기법
이미지 확대
Seong Chul Cho, Kim Hyung Jin, Jo Gweon Do, Kim Daeho
Application No.
12855219 (2010.08.12)
Publication No.
20110142220 (2011.06.16)
Registration No.
8750478 (2014.06.10)
Project Code
09MR1700, Development of Adaptive Radio Access and Transmission Technologies for 4th Generation Mobile Communications, Kim Yeongjin
Provided is a ghost register processing apparatus and method. The ghost register processing apparatus may include a ghost setting determining unit to determine whether a ghost is set with respect to a caller identification (ID) that is received in response to a call request or a message reception and a reception information controller to store reception information associated with the caller ID in a ghost memory unit when the determining determines that the ghost is set.